Home Cryptocurrencies Israeli Government Seizes Millions in Crypto Linked to Iranian Military and Hezbollah

Israeli Government Seizes Millions in Crypto Linked to Iranian Military and Hezbollah

Israel crypto fighting

The Israeli Government has taken control of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency from wallets associated with the Iranian military and the Iran-backed Hezbollah militant group in Lebanon, as reported by the Associated Press. The nation’s Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, revealed these developments.

Seizing Crypto Wallets: A Significant Step in Disrupting Terror Funding

In a groundbreaking move, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant issued an order earlier this week to seize the crypto wallets believed to be involved in illicit activities. This operation, carried out with the coordination of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, military intelligence office, Israeli police, and other entities, signifies a major breakthrough in combating terror financing through cryptocurrency.

Iran and Hezbollah’s Reliance on Virtual Currency

According to Defense Minister Gallant, this incident marks the first major seizure of its kind. He emphasized the effectiveness of cutting off the flow of terror funds through this particular channel. The report suggests that Iran’s military and Hezbollah have been utilizing virtual currency as a means to finance their militant activities.

Eliminating the Terror Financing Channels

While the precise value of the seized funds remains undisclosed, it is evident that the wallets in question were involved in alleged financing schemes for the Iranian military and Hezbollah. By targeting these crypto wallets, Israeli authorities have successfully disrupted the channels through which these groups were receiving and transmitting funds.

Global Response and Seeking Clarification

CoinDesk reached out to Iran’s mission to the United Nations for comment, but there has been no immediate response regarding this matter. As the news of the seizure reverberates internationally, it is expected that Iran will provide a statement clarifying its stance on the issue.

Israel’s Ongoing Efforts against Terror Financing

This recent action is not the first time Israeli authorities have taken decisive steps to combat terror financing. Since 2021, they have seized around 190 Binance accounts allegedly linked to terrorist organizations like Hamas and Daesh (ISIS). Israel’s unwavering commitment to thwarting the financial lifelines of terrorist groups demonstrates their determination to ensure global security.


The Israeli Government’s seizure of millions of dollars in cryptocurrency from wallets connected to the Iranian military and Hezbollah represents a significant blow to the funding networks of these militant entities. By disrupting their ability to use virtual currency for financing, Israel has taken a decisive step in curbing terror activities. As the international community awaits further details on this operation, it is evident that Israel remains dedicated to combating terrorism and safeguarding global stability.

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