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HomeCryptocurrenciesGoogle Cloud's Collaboration with Polygon Boosts Web3 Innovation

Google Cloud’s Collaboration with Polygon Boosts Web3 Innovation

In an epoch-making alliance, Google Cloud has unveiled its extensive partnership with Polygon Labs, a trailblazing software development company and supporter of the Polygon ecosystem of blockchains. This groundbreaking collaboration aims to expand the horizons of Google Cloud’s blockchain offerings and strengthen its unwavering commitment to the rapidly evolving Web3 sector. The momentous announcement took center stage during the prestigious Consensus 2023 event held in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas.

Unleashing the Power of Google Cloud’s Blockchain Expansion

Harnessing the full potential of innovation, the colossal force of cloud computing, Google Cloud, is poised to integrate robust support for Polygon into its awe-inspiring Blockchain Node Engine. This cutting-edge engine, currently catering exclusively to Ethereum and Solana, will extend its mighty embrace to encompass Polygon—an assemblage of layer 2 blockchains built atop the Ethereum platform. By doing so, Google Cloud empowers visionary developers with a streamlined gateway to access and leverage the boundless capabilities of blockchains residing within its formidable servers.

Mitesh Agarwal, the esteemed managing director at Google Cloud, shared his invaluable insights on this transformative partnership, emphasizing, “In this era of exploration and innovation, the industry is witnessing a resolute shift towards quality as corporations strive to mitigate risks and embrace the infinite possibilities offered by Web3.”

Embracing the Uncharted Territories of Polygon’s Web3 Ecosystem

But the audacity of Google Cloud does not stop there! In an unyielding pursuit of excellence, it endeavors to establish a robust infrastructure for the highly anticipated Polygon zkEVM—a groundbreaking addition to the ever-expanding Polygon ecosystem. With an unwavering commitment, Google Cloud aims to empower developers worldwide by assisting them in deploying application-specific blockchains created using Polygon technology on its illustrious servers. By the close of the third quarter, a new era of possibilities will emerge as Google Cloud opens the floodgates for unbridled innovation.

Ryan Wyatt, the indomitable president of Polygon Labs, radiated boundless enthusiasm as he celebrated this remarkable collaboration, exclaiming, “By embracing all of the Polygon protocols, Google Cloud paves the path toward welcoming countless individuals into the exhilarating realm of Web3.”

Empowering the Vanguard of Web3 Startups through the Polygon Collaboration

This week witnessed yet another awe-inspiring demonstration of Google Cloud’s unwavering commitment to the blockchain sector. The illustrious cloud computing division of Google proudly expanded its accelerator program, showering its blessings upon the courageous startups venturing into the uncharted frontiers of Web3. With a resolute dedication, Google Cloud extends its generous support to startups backed by Polygon Ventures—a distinguished fund investing in businesses built on Polygon. This visionary support brings forth an array of benefits, including substantial credits for hosting software on Google Cloud’s mighty servers and exclusive access to the newly unveiled Web3 startup program offered by this cloud service titan.

For the bold pioneers embarking on their pre-seed journey, Google’s accelerator program grants them the opportunity to receive up to $2,000 worth of Google Cloud credits over a span of two transformative years. Meanwhile, fully funded companies are bestowed with access to Cloud and Firebase services, worth an awe-inspiring $200,000—a testament to Google Cloud’s unwavering commitment to fostering the growth of Web3 startups.

In conclusion, the synergistic collaboration between Google Cloud and Polygon heralds a new chapter in the realm of Web3 innovation. With their combined might, they pave the way for a future where the possibilities of blockchain technology are boundless, empowering startups and developers to shape a world teeming with transformative potential.

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